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Industry Reports

Understanding an industry's employment numbers and wage is crucial from a business standpoint as it provides valuable insights for strategic planning and effective resource management. By analyzing employment trends, business can anticipate fluctuations in the labor market, enabling them to proactively address talent shortages or surpluses. Moreover, having a comprehensive understanding of wage structures allows companies to align their compensation packages with industry standards, enhancing their ability to attract and retain skilled professionals. This knowledge is instrumental in formulating competitive hiring strategies and optimizing organizational performance, ultimately contributing to the overall success and sustainability of the business.

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Labor Market Information Reports

In partnership with our Business Retention and Expansion program, Brookings Economic Development Corporation uses Lightcast, a leading labor market analysis tool, to produce comprehensive labor market information reports designed to enlighten employers about the present workforce landscape, bringing data to the forefront of employer discussions. Our reports can cover a spectrum of critical factors, including workforce availability, job profile analytics, skills transferability, degree attainment, and demographic insights. We specialize in crafting insightful, data-driven analyses that empower employers with a deeper understanding of the labor market dynamics. To receive information on the labor market, BEDC may request a business visit as a prerequisite meeting to further understand your needs. 

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Have other data or reporting needs? Contact the BEDC team at:

Nathan Doll

Research and Data Analyst

Usage and Distribution Policy

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