Downtown Brookings Business Fire Relief Grant Program Application

In response to the fire that occurred on December 30, 2024, Downtown Brookings created the Downtown Brookings Fire Relief Fund to provide immediate relief to residential tenants and businesses affected by the event.

The creation of a grant program for businesses is a collaborative effort of economic ecosystem partners Downtown Brookings and Brookings Economic Development Corporation (BEDC). All philanthropic funds provided to Downtown Brookings for businesses have been directed to this grant fund. The grant program will open January 22 and will close on May 1, 2025.

Eligible Businesses and Grant Uses

Businesses within the Downtown Brookings business district will be eligible to apply for a grant up to $3,000 for the reimbursement of expenses related to the fire.

Eligible expenses may include but are not limited to:

  • Insurance Deductibles
  • Inventory Replacement
  • Relocation or re-opening expenses
    • May relate to remediation, cleaning, build-out, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and etcetera. 
  • Wage Replacement

If you have specific questions about eligible expenses, please contact Matty Kerr at Brookings Economic Development Corporation at or via phone at 605-697-8103.

Upon approval, applicants must provide proof of expenses to receive reimbursement, which can include paid invoices or receipts. Documentation may be submitted as physical copies or scanned/electronic versions. 

After expenses are reviewed and verified, checks will be issued by the Downtown Brookings Business Fire Relief Grant program within 30 days of verification, or sooner if possible.

Application Process

Click HERE to download an application

  1. Applicant(s) will apply for funds via completed application and will email completed applications to
  2. Application(s) will be reviewed by Downtown Brookings Fire Disaster Relief Fund committee.
  3. Applicant(s) will be notified of selection and will coordinate expense tracking and reimbursement process with BEDC personnel. Applicants will have 30 days from approved application to submit all expenses for reimbursement.
  4. Upon approval of expenses, applicant(s) will receive a check for reimbursement.

Selection Criteria & Disbursement of Funds

All applications will be reviewed by a committee of Downtown Brookings board representatives and staff and Brookings Economic Development Corporation and staff. All applicants will receive email notification on their applications status.

BEDC will coordinate with selected applicants to collect proof of eligible expenses and any other pertinent information. Funds will be distributed via check to selected applicants following verification of expenses.

Disclosure of Fund Sources

To date Downtown Brookings has received various contributions through direct donations via the Ivy Center’s “Downtown Brookings Fire Relief” Donorbox fund and other community-based fundraisers. Contributions provided specifically for businesses have been directed to the Downtown Brookings Business Fire Relief Grant Program fund. Downtown Brookings will own and manage the grant fund.

The Brookings Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors has contributed $25,000 to this grant fund . This contribution was authorized and approved at the January 15, 2025, board meeting.

Funds donated for businesses from other economic ecosystem partners, private individuals, and organizations may be added to the fund as fundraisers and support efforts are ongoing.

Contact Information

Please contact Matty Kerr at Brookings Economic Development Corporation for questions pertaining to the grant program.
Office phone: 605-697-8103

Any new contributions for the fund may be directed to the Ivy Center at

For general information and questions on how to help Downtown Brookings, please visit

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